Monday, August 4, 2014

Review: Guardians of the Galaxy

Anyone who knows me knows that after Christopher Nolan's upcoming space epic, Interstellar, Guardians of the Galaxy (or GOTG for short) is at the top of my most anticipated films of the year.  So my expectations were sky-high.  And I was very much NOT disappointed. 

The Good
First of all, this is easily the funniest of any of the Marvel films.  I haven't laughed this much in a long time.  It is perhaps the funniest film of the year, although The Lego Movie gives it a run for its money.  The jokes are pretty clean too, for the most part.  

The characters are SO GOOD.  They are easily the most unique and fleshed out characters in any comic book film, with a possible exception of The Avengers being better (but only because we knew each of those characters better going into the film).  Chris Pratt is going to be a star.  I predict that he will play Indian Jones one day.  Bradley Cooper brought Rocket Raccoon to life in a way that no one else could have.  Rocket is the best non-human character that has ever graced the silver screen, with Vin Diesel's Groot a close second.  (I was asked if Caesar from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was better, and he was close, but no Rocket).  Dave Bautista's Drax is amazing too. 

This is the most beautiful and unique of any of the Marvel films.  It's a joy to watch as they end up in so many different places.  It really is the best Star Wars film since Return of the Jedi

Another real strength that this film has is in its pacing (and no, I'm not referring to Lee Pace who plays Ronan the Accuser).  It goes a mile-a-minute and yet still gives room to breathe.  Never a dull moment. 

The Not So Good
I was taken by surprise with the beginning.  It started out with an old 70's tune which made me think that it was going to be a funny scene.  However, it turned out to be a deadly serious moment (literally) and I didn't know how to feel about it. 

Also, although the climax was cool, it felt a bit forced.  I think with a second viewing it will settle a bit. 

Guardians of the Galaxy is a really fun ride.  It's so clever and well-scripted, with fleshed out and interesting characters.  I can't put it above The Avengers as the best Marvel movie of all time as many of my friends have, yet I have to admit that it's up there.  This is one not to be missed in the theater. 

Parents Guide
There is very little swearing, although there is a middle finger that shows up for a minute.  Also, there are a few innuendos that will go over the heads of many, but they are there.