Monday, December 8, 2014

Review: The Theory of Everything

This film is getting a lot of Oscar buzz, so I thought it would be worthwhile to check it out.  And it was, but I give the film an overall negative score.

The acting is exquisite in this movie.  Both the actors who play Stephen and Jane Hawking deserve some accolades for their performances.   Both are revelations from mostly unknown entities (and Felicity Jones, who portrays Jane, is breathtakingly beautiful in this film).  In fact, there wasn't a bad performance in the whole film.

As with much of British-originated cinema these days, it was very beautifully shot.  It was also pretty well directed.  Its pace is great and is fairly compelling.

This story is remarkably sugarcoated.  Like many men with an abnormally high IQ, Stephen Hawking is a jerk in real life (think Sheldon Cooper).  This film portrays him as a 'lovable scientist' whose only sin was being too brilliant.  It sets the blame of his divorce almost solely on his wife and never takes into account of how difficult he is to live with.  It's unfair and uncalled for.

It also treats the eventual divorce and infidelity as inevitable.  This is a false narrative, especially when both were so talented and smart.

Although spectacularly acted and beautifully shot, this film is a whitewash that does a disservice to all who watch it.  It deifies a man that doesn't deserve deification.  Hawking is brilliant man, but doesn't deserve a candy-coated biopic.  2.5/5 Disco Balls.

There is no nudity and very little adult language.  However, there is implied infidelity that I think would be wisely avoided.