Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A bunch of recent reviews

Sorry it's been so long since I've written. I quit the Red Carpet Refs because it was taking so much time away from my already limited time with my family.  We are still in survival mode even though Penelope, our third child, is 7 months old.  I will basically just do a paragraph or two for each film until I feel a bit better situated.

Guardians of the Galaxy
I adored this film, although I wouldn't call it perfect.  The opening sequence felt so out of place for me and its emotional full-circle at the end didn't land very well for me.  With that being said, it's easily the funniest film I've seen all year.  It was very ambitious and it paid off for the audience and for Marvel.  Rocket Racoon is my absolute favorite character in the film.  4.5/5 Disco Balls.

The Maze Runner
I found this film to be among the most suspenseful films I've ever seen.  It was a very compelling story that was reasonably well acted.  Its biggest problem was that it didn't give the audience any room to breathe.  Its onslaught of suspense was so constant and with no release that I almost had a panic attack. Someone who has an anxiety disorder probably should avoid this film.  3.5/5 Disco Balls. 

The Boxtrolls
I was pretty excited for this movie, it being a release from the same studio that did ParaNorman.  The emotional core of the film wasn't as strong as its immediate predecessor, but it was still good.  I found it to be so remarkably filled with subtext and symbolism. I saw it as a strong analogy of Hitler and the Jews.  I also found A LOT of Marxist Theory in it.  4/5 Disco Balls.

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
I found this movie to be pretty endearing.  It was very clean and had a wonderful message about family.  It was pretty funny and is a shockingly short film.  I recommend it to pretty much everyone.  3.5/5 Disco Balls.

St. Vincent
I really dug this film, although it was difficult to watch for me.  Bill Murray's character is one of a whole slew of characters that have a hard shell on the outside, but turn out to have soft hearts.  I think the thesis of the film is that all people are good on the inside, which is something i tend to agree with. Bill Murray's performance is absolutely brilliant and I certainly hope he gets at least some consideration for the Best Actor Academy Award. 4/5 Disco Balls.

The Book of Life
I REALLY dug this movie! It was ambitious and it got a lot of points for that in my book.  I just adored it.  It was really spiritual, really funny, and really touching.  I loved the music too.  4.5/5 Disco Balls.

Big Hero 6
I had hoped that this movie would have risen to the level of Wreck-it Ralph, but alas, it did not.  The actual animation was easily the best I've ever seen.  It was quite funny and had some fairly well fleshed out characters.  However, it was kind of derivative in that it seemed to blatantly copy some other Marvel films like Iron Man and The Avengers. 3.5/5 Disco Balls. (Although I do think that this score will go up once I end up seeing it again)

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