Thursday, November 15, 2012

BREAKING: I will not be reviewing Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part II

My normal evening de-stressing process normally involves either an episode of Parks and Recreation or Modern Family.  Much to my delight I coincidentally stumbled upon this episode of Parks and Rec two weeks ago that shows the craziness of some Twilight fans:

It's not that I am not proud of what Stephanie Meyer has accomplished, it's that I just despise everything about the books/movies. To be fair, I did watch the first three films at the urging of my dear mother.  The first one wasn't that bad, and the second one was okay.  But the third one was painful to watch.  As said in Billy Madison: "We are now dumber for listening to that answer."

I won't get into whether Twilight is good for society (mostly because I don't want to offend my sweet mother or loving sisters), but I will say that I do not see the appeal and am very glad this phenomenon is coming to an end.  In the (supposed) words of Stephen King:

"Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength and doing what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend."
So, I will be reviewing Lincoln this weekend, not Twilight.  Definitely count me in team NOT-Twilight. 

1 comment:

  1. Here's my basic problem with Twilight's premise and its fans - if I pretended to be a high school aged person and picked up on a high school aged girl, I'd be labeled a pervert and most women would be disgusted. The very same women have no issue with Edward doing what I just described. He's supposed to be what - 100 years older? Millions of people fawning over a teenager and her love affair with a WAAAAYYYY older man. Gross.
