Saturday, November 17, 2012

Lincoln Review

I was quite excited for this film.  History + Spielberg + great reviews = recipe for success. Right?  Well it's quite a mixed bag in many ways.

The basis of this film is a book called "Team of Rivals" that details the political machinations of Lincoln and his cabinet.  The period of the book/history that the movie is taken from is the one month in which Lincoln tries to get the House of Representatives to pass the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, or in other words to abolish slavery.  What ensues is a treatise on the sausage making known as American Politics.

The first half of the film showcases how brilliant of an actor Daniel Day-Lewis is.  But that's about it.  The first half is so discombobulated and straight up boring that I considered leaving the theater.  My blog-writing self eventually prevailed and I am very happy that it did.

The second half is amazing with the most powerful payoffs, which is what we all expect from Spielberg and why we all consider him the master of movie making.  I openly wept more than once and am getting emotional just thinking about it.

The acting was amazing with Day-Lewis easily winning his third best actor award.  There were so many big names in this that I couldn't even keep attempt to keep a mental list of them.  My unexpected favorite was Gloria Reuben as Mrs. Lincoln's handmade.  She added so much with so little.

The soundtrack is superb and probably Williams' best since Harry Potter.  So moving and fitting to the times.

The cinematography really is something to write home about.  It was masterfully shot knocking the much heralded Skyfall out of

I recommend this movie, but go into it remembering that the first hour or so is a chore to get through.  In the end I really liked this movie, even though it took time to get there.

This film is pretty safe for children, but could be considered by some to be cruel and unusual punishment to bring them along.  

I really don't think this will or should win Best Picture.  It is not a perfect film by any standard. 3.75/5 stars.

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