Saturday, March 23, 2013

Review: The Croods

File:The Croods poster.jpgFor its first post-Paramount-parent animated feature, Dreamworks made a family film revolving around a family of cavemen.  They are really getting better at storytelling, but still have a long way to go to produce anything as perfect as most of the Pixar films. 

My expectations were pretty low before the reviews starting coming in, which only mildly improved them.  In the end I was impressed, but there were some major problems with it.

The first act was utterly intolerable, with the exception of the quality of the animation, which I will go into further down.  It was hard to look past Nicolas Cage's voice or how unlikable his character is caricatured as.  The first act's message is that all change is bad and that the family should live in constant fear. And then you are told again. And again.  And again. And again.  At one point I wanted to whisper to the person next to me, "I wonder if they think change is bad," in the same way that Dot Matrix in Spaceballs replies to Princess Vespa's tirade of "I'm glad! Glad, glad, glad, glad!" with "I wonder if she's glad?" I felt as if the message was figuratively beat into the audiences' skulls with a club.  I have sympathy for the filmmakers who probably just wanted the story to move along rather than take the time to craft it subtly.  Unfortunately, this hastiness was more annoying than helpful.

The quality of the animation was so brilliant that I found myself questioning whether some of it was actually animation.  It is the best CG animation I've ever seen, and they do a remarkable job showcasing it.  Christy Lemire (AP's film critic) said that it reminded her of Avatar, which isn't a bad comparison.  This film should be watched for the animation alone.

As soon as the first act is over, the film finds its groove.  It's not a perfect groove, but it works.  The timing is much better and the movie is much less cliche. 

The voice acting is pretty good, although when compared to Disney or Pixar films, it sucks.  Emma Stone was fantastic and so was Ryan Reynolds.

The climax sequence is very touching, especially for a father such as myself.  I'll admit that more than one tear was shed by yours truly.  The moral of the story is still slightly muddled, mostly because I found that my interpretation was very different from many reviewers.   

Ultimately I enjoyed this movie.  There were some pretty substantial problems with it, but in the end it is a positive addition to this year's slate of movies.  3.5/5 Disco Balls. 

Although this movie has some scary moments, it is very safe for children.  It's very funny for both parents and children. 

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