Tuesday, March 12, 2013

TV Review: Scandal

Kerry Washington is beautiful.  She's also a decent actress.  And who doesn't want to see more of Desmond from LOST (Henry Ian Cusick)?  Throw these two into a Washington DC, politics-based drama and what could go wrong?  I'll tell you: A LOT.

I was told to watch this series by a colleague whom I respect, in particular their taste in cinema.  And it seems to win both ratings-wise and critically.  So, on Saturday I decided to try out my new ROKU 3 and its new 'headphone-in-remote' functionality to finally watch ABC's +Scandal in order to not disturb my napping children. I watched the Pilot and the second episode of the first season.  Here are my thoughts.

Of all the actors, Henry Ian Cusick was the best, with a close second to Katie Lowes as the outsider meant to give the audience someone to relate to.  (Fun Fact: Katie Lowes was the voice of Candlehead in Wreck-it Ralph

The writer of this show has some SERIOUS Aaron Sorkin envy, and she should probably have that looked at before it festers.  The dialogue tries to be snappy, but never works quite right.  The characters are over-the-top and borderline annoying.  Ultimately, this show thinks it's smarter than it is.  It feels like this show belongs on Fox, not ABC, which usually houses much better drama.

I apologize if I have offended you by saying how awful this show is.  In the end I'd rather watch The Newsroom (which is the smuggest of all television shows right now) than this, which isn't a compliment.  2/5 Disco Balls.

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1 comment:

  1. Also a hate here. Though *about to reveal my secret guilty pleasure. My mom would die if she knew* I do love Grey's Anatomy. Seems to me Shonda Rhimes is just looking to make her next big thing now that Private Practic (never loved it) is over and Grey's Anatomy should really quite before it goes the way of the world in ratings.
