Monday, March 18, 2013

Review: The Host

As a representative member of the male half of our species, I can't be blamed for not liking any of the Twilight films.  I could go into why that is, but I'm certain you've heard it before.  Yet, I do indeed respect its box office accumulations.  I haven't done the math, but I'm pretty that the saga has made enough money to feed several small countries.

Because of my natural distaste for Stephanie Meyer's previous films/novels, I was understandably wary of The Host.  My dear mother swore up and down that I would enjoy the book even though I despised Ms. Meyer's previous endeavors.  So, in honor of her, I went into it with an open mind.  I was happily surprised by the outcome.  

In a dystopian future when an unseen enemy threatens mankind by taking over their bodies and erasing their memories, Melanie will risk everything to protect the people she cares most about, proving that love can conquer all in a dangerous new world. 

I have a lot of respect for Andrew Niccol (Gattaca,Truman Show, In Time), who adapted the novel into the film's screenplay and directed it.  But, I must admit that the first 20 minutes or so is the clumsiest filmmaking he's ever done.  When I told this to my mother, she said the book was that way too.  So, it's possible that he was given certain constraints in how to adapt it instead of changing it around a little bit to make it not so awkward.  The early romance stuff was epicly sappy.  

Yet, despite its rocky start, I was hooked at about the thirty minute mark.  And it only got better as the film went along.  The character development was so strong and the depth of the characters so firm that I found myself forgetting that this was the same author who brought us the books that must not be named.  The point where it started getting good was about the moment that the story stopped taking itself so seriously.  There was some seriously clever writing and those moments were executed masterfully.  

Saiore Ronan (Melanie) has a place among Jennifer Lawrence and Anna Kendrick as the most promising young actresses of our day.  Her performance is rock solid and I really look forward to her future endeavors.  The other performances are great, with the exception of her younger brother.  It felt like Anikan Skywalker all over again. 

I am usually pretty hard on films' soundtracks, but this one was really good.  The score was memorable and moving, and I am looking forward to listening to it again when it's available. 

The film really causes us to rethink many of our assumptions about Utopian ideals and what we as a human race would be willing to do to keep our free will, which is probably the reason that Hollywood's resident deep thinker, Mr. Niccol, took on the project.  I was subtly moved at the end.  

The question that most fans of the book will be asking is whether it stays true to the material, and to that I unfortunately can't answer reliably.  However, as I described the film to my mother, she seemed to think that it was quite faithful.  

This movie has a very different feel than probably any other piece of cinema you've seen.  It was disconcerting, while still refreshing.  I really liked it and hope that it does better at the box office than I am cynically predicting (it comes out the same weekend as GI JOE, which is bound to take a lot of its steam).  

4/5 Stars

The film was actually pretty violent, with quite a few graphic killings.  Lots of blood that is definitely not suitable for pre-teens. There were a couple sensual make-out scenes, but no nudity.  

1 comment:

  1. I am a vehement protester of the Twilight empire. I never read the books, even though they were recommended to me by everyone I knew, including your sister....and I refuse to even begin to entertain the thought of seeing any of the films. A friend promised me that The Host was completely different. She was right and I read it in a day. I'm glad to hear there is hope for the film as well. I just hope the 'Twi-hards' in the theatre with me don't ruin my experience by comparing the two plots. :)
