Tuesday, July 1, 2014

30 Day Movie Challenge Day 8: a movie I know by heart

Most people think that this spot should be held by a film like Princess Bride or some Disney film from when I was a child.  Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view) none of these films take the the top spot. 

The movie I have watched the most and the one I find to be the most quotable is Hot Shots! Part Deux. I suppose this choice is fitting for Canada Day, being that the title chooses the the French numeral.  My friends and I in high school watched this film more than any other.  I have probably seen it 30 times.  I just watched it again with my wife the other night.  I find it to be perfect comedy and consider it to be the funniest film of all time.  I know every line and every joke before its coming and love to endlessly quote it.  I still send random texts or write on a friend's wall on Facebook with quotes from this comedic masterpiece.  If you haven't seen it, I can't recommend it enough, ESPECIALLY if you like Airplane! type of humor.

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