Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Top 13 Under PG-13 for 2012

Not sure how many of you know this about me, but I'm LDS, or 'Mormon' as most know us.  And as a Mormon, I usually don't watch R-Rated films.  As a result, there are lots of movies that I haven't seen, won't be able to see until they're on DVD, and therefore wouldn't be on any a top ten of the year list.  So, I've decided to take a suggestion from my childhood friend, Aaron B., and do a Top 13 Under PG-13 list.  Without further introduction, here it is.

It's unfortunate that this film was DOA.  I'm not really sure why, but the critical narrative was written before the film was even screened, and that narrative was basically that this movie was the worst thing to come out of Disney since Pirates 3.  I went in with low expectations and I ended up really liking it. Lynn Collins (Deja Thorus) is my pick for best unknown actress of the year.

The Good
  • Amazing special effects
  • Great acting by everyone, with one exception.
  • Sci-fi at its best
The Bad
  • Taylor Kitsch was horribly miscast
  • The pacing is a little off at times

This was an interesting year for Disney-Pixar in that Pixar did a princess movie and Disney did the creative movie.  Apologies to my friend Zach B. that this isn't higher on the list.

The Good
  • BEAUTIFUL animation
  • One of the best soundtracks of the year
  • great voice acting
The Bad
  • Very Strange twist that destroyed the momentum 

Great film, and fairly accurate interpretation of the book.  I'm a sucker for anyting with Jennifer Lawrence in it.  She's one of the best actresses in Hollywood right now and needs an Academy Award (thought she won't win it for this).

The Good
  • Great acting by Jennifer Lawrence
  • Beautifully shot
  • Great Story
The Bad
  • It didn't give me the same sense of despair or repression I got when I read the book
  • The supporting cast were sore thumbs next to Lawrence

This one met expectations.  There were several critics who didn't care for it.  I thought it was great and did exactly what it wanted to.  Hearing Hugh Jackman in his native Australian was fantastic.

The Good
  • Great message
  • Great voice acting
  • Great animation
The Bad
  • Alec Baldwin trying to do a Russian accent
  • There are times when it feels too much like a Dreamworks movie

This one was a bit of a let down.  It was really good, but the way that folks raved about it seems unjustified.  I still rank GoldFinger and Casino Royale as the best Bond movies.

The Good
  • Just beautiful cinematography
  • Best Bond villain ever
  • Best Daniel Craig performance
The Bad
  • Didn't feel like a Bond film to me
  • The world didn't hang in the balance

The formula was one for success here, and it delivered.  The director, the actors, the music were ALL better than the previous trilogy, IMO.

The Good
  • Chemistry between Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield was off the charts
  • Endearingly funny and brilliant sense of timing
  • Andrew Garfield is an amazing Spider-man
The Bad
  • Climax sequence was too sappy
  • The villain was mediocre
  • The action scenes were sub-par

Easily the most anticipated film of the year for me.  Did it meet my ridiculously high expectations?  No.  It is, however, still a great movie that can be viewed multiple times.

The Good
  • Acting on all counts is phenomenal
  • Just gorgeously shot
  • A fine ending to the franchise
The Bad
  • The music feels forced and too loud
  • The big reveal, although interesting, really deflates the story
  • It has plot holes the size of Gotham City

You probably haven't even heard of this film.  It's based on a true story about a rich sheikh's fantasy of being able to fish salmon in, you guessed it, Yemen.  I highly recommend this movie if you don't mind a slower pace and aren't my sister Sarah. Emily Blunt is also on my favorite actresses list and she really does great in this movie.

The Good
  • Brilliant acting by all, especially Ewan Mcgregor and Emily Blunt.
  • Great Story
  • Raw emotions
The Bad
  • Slower pace than some might like

I was pleasantly surprised with this one.  Many folks just despised it, undeservedly in my opinion. I've said it once, I'll say it again: the source material isn't as good as the original trilogy, therefore this movie isn't going to be as good.  Could it have been better?  Yeah.  But I still enjoyed it, even a second viewing with my dad. 

The Good
  • Martin Freeman nails it as Bilbo
  • The soundtrack was wonderful
  • Really great payoffs
The Bad
  • The brown wizard. Enough said.

This movie is a treat.  I really can't say enough good things about it.  It is one of the best claymation films ever made (I'm still upset that it wasn't nominated for the Best Animated Feature Golden Globe).

The Good
  • Teaches an amazing lesson
  • Absolutely hilarious
  • Great visuals
The Bad
  • Questionable zombie humor

Either this movie was going to rock, or it was going to die a horrible death and destroy Marvel's movie-making prospects.  It exceeded all expectations and finally gave Joss Whedon the world-wide acclaim that he has deserved for so long. 

The Good
  • Best ensemble acting I've ever witnessed
  • Amazing action scenes
  • Hulk
The Bad
  • Samuel L. Jackson's character isn't as deep as it could be

Most who know me, know that I'm a sap for Spielberg.  The man can do no wrong in my eyes, and in this particular movie my eyes filled with tears more than once.  I've seen it twice now, and I'm convinced it will go down in history as the definitive movie about ANY President.  I have never been so moved by a movie. 

The Good
  • Best soundtrack of the year
  • Best acting by a leading man in the last 5 or so years
  • So beautifully shot
  • The design/costumes are spot on. You really feel like you're there
  • The most moving experience I've ever had in a movie theater
The Bad
  • It's quite slow to get going but worth it

Usually a film hits one, or maybe two, or the following: 1) is polished, 2) has a great payoff, 3) is really creative, or 4) is just fun.  It is so rare to have a film that has all of the above, but Wreck-It Ralph is the first one to do it since Toy Story 3.  It is a masterpiece, and I can't recommend it enough. 

The Good
  • The most clever writing in a very long time
  • The best voice acting in a very long time (Sarah Silverman deserves an award for it)
  • Great music
  • It makes you feel for the characters that most movies dream of doing
The Bad
  • Nothing.  It's amazing. 


  1. Fun to read your reviews of these movies. :-) Your wife loves you!

  2. Based on your liking Wreck It Ralph, get off your butt and go read Ready Player One

  3. We also loved WRECK IT RALPH!

    Your reviews are fun and informative, Dan!
