Monday, January 28, 2013

What's Good on Netflix: Queen of Versailles

There was quite a bit of buzz during this last summer surrounding a little known documentary called Queen of Versailles.  All of my favorite critics were giving it wicked high marks, which of course intrigued me.  Also, it's PG, so it was a win-win.  I wasn't able to find a theater showing it, but I was rather pleasantly surprised when it showed up on Netflix. 

It's hard to pinpoint what is great about a documentary, mostly because I just don't watch many.  The best thing about this one, besides its excellent pacing, is that it doesn't seem to have a political agenda.  I am always wary of documentaries that claim objectivity, because they usually are anything but.  The purpose of the documentary seems to be to show how out of touch the family is and how a said out of touch family handles the recession.  It certainly succeeds in this goal.  It is so compelling and you can't keep your eyes off of it.  It's like watching the Darwin awards: you know you shouldn't, but you can't NOT do it. 

Although the train-wreck quality of the film is what makes it compelling, it also makes it difficult to watch.  Hollywood loves to marginalize rich people, but this glimpse is almost too much.  I don't think that all rich people are like this, and that's the impression that the film means to leave you with, for better or worse.

The film is wonderful, although my wife despised it. It has its 'squirm' moments.  Overall I give it a 3.75/5. 

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