Wednesday, June 4, 2014

30 Day Movie Challenge Day 1: Your Favorite Movie

This is a very hard question to answer for me.  Movies are a huge part of my life and so choosing one to be my favorite is akin to me choosing which of my children is my favorite (and no, I don't consider movies to be as important as my children).  After much contemplation I finally decided on The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.  However, there were many runners-up that only missed out on this top distinction by the skin of their teeth.  These include Miracle, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Empire Strikes Back, Back to the Future, and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

'What makes Two Towers surpass these others for me,' you ask?  Well, I'm here to tell you!  Needless to say (but I'm going to say it anyway), I find the film to be perfect.  Each scene is extremely compelling, masterfully and artfully directed, superbly acted, and divinely scored.  As a whole, this movie moves me more than any other. 


The above scene is cut a little short from having its full effect, but I love it so! It is one of the most emotionally satisfying scenes in any movie for me.

 The above scene moves me every time I see it.  The camera work, the acting, and the score are so spectacular.
Another extremely moving and satisfying scene.  "Victory! We have victory!"  "When the sun finally shines, it will shine out the clearer."  "There's good in this world!  And it's world fighting for!"


  1. A pretty persuasive post. However, I'm sticking with the 1965 classic, "The Great Race" as my favorite movie. It's not as emotional, moving or satisfying as perhaps LOTR. But it speaks to my quirky sense of humor, and it speaks to it very well. I challenge you, Disco Dan, to review "The Great Race," sometime.

  2. My favorite is Inkheart .. I hope to become as eccentric and wonderful as the "aunt". I loved the movie and hated the book .. which was interesting - that has never happened to me. I love the magic, the growth of the characters and the wonderful byplay between the real and "story" characters.
    Lorna hale
