Tuesday, June 17, 2014

30 Day Movie Challenge Day 6: movie that reminds me of somewhere

Most people of my generation can remember where they were when they watched Star Wars: Episode I for the first time. I certainly do.  I remember the first time I watched a lot of movies.  But, I have to admit that many movies I have watched since that first viewing in a different setting, so the memory of the initial viewing place doesn't stick out as much.  However, there is one film that I watched almost endlessly in the same place with the same person.  That movie is Disney's The Kid, starring Bruce Willis. 

Mr. Willis has repeatedly stated that this is one of his favorite films that he has ever done.  I LOVE it. And I watched it repeatedly in the basement of my home in Rexburg, Idaho while sitting in a banana chair with one of my best friends, Hugh.  Hugh wanted to watch this movie about every other time we got together.  It was a blast.  The movie is so funny!  If you haven't seen it, I really recommend it.  It never got a blu-ray release, unfortunately.  But, I'm certain you could find a copy of the DVD at your local library, or even rent it digitally on Amazon here or on Google Play/YouTube or iTunes.  Here's the cheesy 90's trailer:

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