Saturday, June 7, 2014

30 Day Movie Challenge Day 2: My Least Favorite Movie

I sincerely apologize to all 3 of you who read this that I have not been consistent with this 30 Day Movie Challenge.  I had an emergency dental visit in which they had to pull one of my teeth.  I had to take two days off from almost everything, but I'm back now.

It was a hard decision to choose my least favorite film.  There are many films that I just didn't like, however there aren't many films that I outright hate.  I almost chose Zach Snyder's Sucker Punch, but out of reverence to my friend Kaptain Kevin, I went a different direction.  I ultimately respect what Snyder was trying to do with Sucker Punch, although I think its execution was incoherent to the point of ridicule.

I decided to choose last year's Lee Daniel's The Butler as my most hated film because I hated both the message and the delivery.  I went into it thinking it would be a great piece of historical fiction with some great acting and left seething with hatred for the work.

I don't really like hating on films, so I will keep this short.

The main message of this film is "Vote for Barack Obama."  I mean really.  It ends with him campaigning for Obama.  He decides to leave his respectable job at the White House in order to join meaningless protests.  It also advocates that all Republicans are bad and all Democrats are good.

I was overjoyed that this film was completely snubbed at the Oscars last year.  It was Oscar bait in its lowest form and an utterly contemptible film.  If you want to watch a film that deals with civil rights, watch The Help.  It is much more effective and much more enjoyable.

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