Friday, June 13, 2014

30 Day Movie Challenge Day 5: A film that reminds me of someone

The film that I decided to name in the category of "a film that reminds me of someone" is Strange Brew, one of two quintessential comedies that mock the Canadian way (the other being Canadian Bacon).  The person that this film reminds me of is actually two-fold: two of my best friends ever, Stephen K. and Hugh M.

Strange Brew is a film put together by Dave Thomas (the actor, not the Wendy's guy) and Rick Moranis to culminate their characters, Bob and Doug McKenzie.  These characters originated as a sketch comedy bit in Canada known as 'The Great White North' to mock their own studio network, but later evolved into pop culture icons.  They also made several comedy albums.

Most who read this blog (I think the total is up to 5 now) know that I served an LDS mission.  Well, I spent those two years proselytizing in The Great White North.  When I received my assignment (we call this event 'receiving your mission call') my good friend Steve was as excited as I was!  He brought over the VHS version of the movie Strange Brew as soon as he could and wanted both of us to watch it ASAP!  We laughed, but little did he know how much funnier I would think it is after spending 2 years among the Canadians.

 The reason Hugh comes to mind when Strange Brew is on is because one time when he went to California on vacation, he brought home Bob and Doug action figures.  He gave me one of them and he kept the other.  I think he still has both of them. Below is an image of one of the figures.

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