Thursday, June 12, 2014

30 Day Movie Challenge Day 4: a movie that makes me sad

A dear friend in high school named Zach once observed the trait in me that I don't like sad things.  In fact, I tend to avoid sad things like the plague.  He assumed that it was a bad trait, and I think it probably is.  Nonetheless, it's part of me and heavily influences my movie tastes.  I still refuse to see 12 Years a Slave because of this preference.  This makes it hard to choose a sad movie because I usually don't watch them.  That being said, I have a few that I could choose from.

I think that out of all of cinema the film that makes me the most sad it is Ron Howard and Russell Crowe's second collaboration, Cinderella Man. I'm usually a sucker for sappy, true-story sports dramas, but this one really takes its time before any emotional payoff is delivered.  It's not till way past the half-way point of the film that the main character (and us, for that matter) actually catches a break.  Rocky had small triumphs and great character moments, but I don't find any of those in here.  I understand the desire to show how horrible the Great Depression was, however I don't like watching it over and over again.  It feels like torture to me.  We get it: The Great Depression is depressing! 

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